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Refactoring Trilliant Components with React
Early in 2016 I took on an assignment to redesign dashboards for the Trilliant (formerly Clariture) application suite. The backend was...

My Cycling Greatest Hits
Early in 2015 I got the crazy idea to ride a road bike from San Francisco to Los Angeles in the AIDS LifeCycle™ event. It took a year to...

Case Study : Slektor
The 10 second pitch? "Slektor is an app that lets kids fund their reading habits. By allowing friends and family to contribute to...

D&D and Development
I first played Dungeons & Dragons( D&D) when I was 16 years old. What initially got me was a book called Deities and Demigods which...

Learning Redux on Ye Olde Click Demo
Live Demo Github Repo A wise person once told me, "Never install a dependency that you don't understand onto the app you're currently...

Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Field Guide for Leaders, Managers, and Facilitators
Patrick Lencioni’s Five Dysfunctions of a Team transformed my thinking on and off the job. The fictional tale of an all too real...

The Laws of Simplicity by John Maeda
John Maeda is a designer and teacher with a long career in both areas. Like me, he’s come to the “less is more” strategy when it comes to...

Clariture Health Sketchnotes
Sketchnoting has become a regular part of my discovery and ideation phases. The act of physically writing onto paper stimulates both...

Why We Work by Barry Schwartz
Why We Work The book covers an interesting and growing theory for how intellectual advancement has changed the landscape for how we work....

Fifty Quick Ideas To Improve Your User Stories by Gojko Adzic & David Evans
This is probably the most useful book I’ve read in the last year. Anyone that works on an agile software team and has to deal with user...

Hooked, How To Build Habit Forming Products by Nir Eyal & Ryan Hoover
“…one-third of Americans say they would rather give up sex than lose their cell phones.” – Nir Eyal It’s not very often that I’ll write...

Why I Switched To Sketch
The Low Down I’ve been doing presentation layer design and development on corporate web sites since 1996 when I lead small team on the...

Sketchnote Handbook by Mike Rohde
I’ve been a sketch note fan for a year or two and even taken a class at General Assembly. Nothing has been as informative, helpful, and...

Volunteering at the SF/Marin Food Bank
Whenever I get to feeling a bit run down in this modern life I recharge at the food bank. The staff and volunteers here have given me...

Ai Wei Wei on Alcatraz
It’s a hell of a thing to have your freedom taken from you. Spent the day on Alcatraz Island where dissident artist and activist, Ai Wei...

Information Architecture by Peter Morville & Louis Rosenfeld
Once again, one of those books that I just didn’t get around to until now. It’s a piece of foundational literature on the subject and now...

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
Another one that I’m finally getting around to. Long over do. My former lead engineer at CollabNet brought this into the office one day....

CloudForge Info Architecture
In iterating my blog/portfolio I realized that I was missing a basic Information Architecture example. One of the very first tasks when...

CloudForge Lockout Mobile App
Whenever the idea of doing a mobile version of CloudForge came up there was usually a rather lukewarm reaction from he product owners and...

Mi Santero Insert Art
This is a bonus download I created for when someone purchases the Mi Santero Single from the store. I like to add extras to music...
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