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Refactoring Trilliant Components with React
Early in 2016 I took on an assignment to redesign dashboards for the Trilliant (formerly Clariture) application suite. The backend was...

Case Study : Slektor
The 10 second pitch? "Slektor is an app that lets kids fund their reading habits. By allowing friends and family to contribute to...

Learning Redux on Ye Olde Click Demo
Live Demo Github Repo A wise person once told me, "Never install a dependency that you don't understand onto the app you're currently...

Damn you, JSLint!
JSLint is not handling my non-engineered PhoneGap architecture. Sigh Yea… this is what happens when you try to use JSLint standards...
Using Structural Selectors to avoid Class-itus in HTML5 and CSS3
I’ve been spending some time cleaning up my HTML and CSS in the Flojuggler iOS app. Trying to stay within semantic standards is becoming...
Refactoring the Flo methods to OOP
I had an interview yesterday that was a disaster. For whatever reason I totally blanked on basic OOP in Javascript… deer in headlights....

JS Tests in Jasmine
Test driven development has been a welcome standard and a pain for a few of the team projects that I’ve been on. Since I tend to live on...
Simple model is best!
Flojuggler for IOS on Github So I’m sitting there looking at my model class for the Flojuggler app and wondering at how simple it is....
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