I had an interview yesterday that was a disaster. For whatever reason I totally blanked on basic OOP in Javascript… deer in headlights. So I decided to refresh my brain by converting the Flojuggler methods to an OOP class paradigm. The original was just name-spaced.
Original Flo file:
Flos = {
helloWorld : function(){
return ("Hello flos!");
deleteFlo : function(id) {
initFlos : function(tx,rs,test) {
currentFlo = 'reset';
globalFlos = [];
if (rs.rows.length >= 1) {
for(i=0; i < rs.rows.length; i++) {
var row = rs.rows.item(i);
if (!test) {
return globalFlos;
detectFlo : function(time,startDate,cycle){
var myTime = new Date(time).getTime();
var myDate = new Date(startDate).getTime();
var status = ( secToDays(myTime) - secToDays(myDate) ) % (cycle);
return status;
getStatus : function(time,startDate,cycle,long) {
var flo = Flos.detectFlo(time,startDate,cycle);
var sDayDisplay = " days";
var floStatus = {};
if (flo < long) {
var days = long - flo;
days <= 1 ? sDayDisplay = " day" : sDayDisplay = " days";
floStatus.code = 'status-red';
floStatus.text = 'on her flo for ' + days + ' more' + sDayDisplay;
} else {
days = cycle - flo;
days <= 1 ? sDayDisplay = " day" : sDayDisplay = " days";
if (days <= 3) {
floStatus.code = "status-yellow";
floStatus.text = days + ' more' + sDayDisplay + ' to her flo';
} else {
floStatus.code = "status-green";
floStatus.text = days + sDayDisplay + ' from her next flo';
return floStatus;
OOP Flo with Hungarian notation (just to be extra obnoxious):
function Flo() {
this.name = 'Unnamed';
this.cycle = 30;
this.long = 7;
this.startDate = new Date().getTime();
this.thumbnail = "images/thumbnail.svg";
this.state = 'new';
Flo.prototype.getStatus = function() {
var statusDays = detectFlo(this);
return getStatus(this, statusDays);
Flo.prototype.save = function() {
Flo.prototype.update = function() {
Flo.prototype.delete = function() {
Flo.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.name + ", " + this.cycle + ", " + this.long + ", " + this.startDate;
Flo.prototype.valueOf = function() {
return detectFlo(this);
Flo.prototype.equals = function(e) {
return (this.name == e.name && this.cycle == e.cycle && this.long == e.long && this.startDate == e.startDate);
function getStatus(oFlo, nStatusDays) {
var that = oFlo;
var oFloStatus = {};
var nDays;
var sDayDisplay;
if (nStatusDays < that.long) {
nDays = that.long - nStatusDays;
nDays <= 1 ? sDayDisplay = " day" : sDayDisplay = " days";
oFloStatus.code = 'status-red';
oFloStatus.text = 'on her flo for ' + nDays + ' more' + sDayDisplay;
} else {
nDays = that.cycle - nStatusDays;
nDays <= 1 ? sDayDisplay = " day" : sDayDisplay = " days";
if (days <= 3) {
oFloStatus.code = "status-yellow";
oFloStatus.text = nDays + ' more' + sDayDisplay + ' to her flo';
} else {
oFloStatus.code = "status-green";
oFloStatus.text = nDays + sDayDisplay + ' from her next flo';
return oFloStatus;
var gCurrentFlo = new Flo();
var gTotalFlos = [];
function initFlos(tx,rs,test) {
gCurrentFlo.state = 'new';
if (rs.rows.length >= 1) {
for(i=0; i < rs.rows.length; i++) {
if (!test) {
return gTotalFlos;
function detectFlo(oFlo) {
var nNow = new Date().getTime();
var nMyStartDate = new Date(oFlo.startDate).getTime();
return ( secToDays(nNow) - secToDays(nMyStartDate) ) % (oFlo.cycle);
function secToDays(nTime) {
var nDays = nTime/1000/60/60/24;
return Math.round(nDays);
function helloWorld(){
return ("Hello flos!");
The new one is much more encapsulated and testable.