Examining the Flojuggler Home Page Animation JSI spent a fair amount of effort getting the animation on the Flojuggler home page just right. I felt like too many sites were doing...
Examining the Flojuggler.com UXI’ve called out various decisions made on this layout that drive behavior. Flojuggler is the lifestyle menstrual tracking application...
Using Structural Selectors to avoid Class-itus in HTML5 and CSS3I’ve been spending some time cleaning up my HTML and CSS in the Flojuggler iOS app. Trying to stay within semantic standards is becoming...
Flojuggler iOS UpdateThe shadow is applied to the action buttons only. This makes them stand out against the dominating flat design of the item list. The...
Flojuggler iOS AppFlojuggler is the lifestyle menstrual tracking application designed to track the cycles of multiple persons. There are times when you...